Privacy Is A Spider, Chapter 2 is on the way

The latest downloadable chapter of Privacy Is A Spider will be made available for sale here on by the end of June. The chapter titled, “Dropping in From Above: Evaluating Environmental Privacy Threats” will feature a couple of model letters and sound advice for those who want to rebalance the online ecosystem for your personal privacy.

Additional downloadable content will be available at

The evolving Gumroad store should have some very useful “freebies” enabled to address current and ongoing infringement(s). For example, to help address dissenting citizens confrontingforced collection of biometric facial recognition capture for the US VISIT and ICE’s EXIT pilot programs at Orlando International Airport and US Borders, there is free model letter content for you, if that is of interest. Content update subscriptions and notification are easier for me to produce. If you subscribe there, I’m pretty sure you’ll know what’s going on with current production.

Gumroad is particularly useful for lightweight DRM to protect the budding copyright of my published series. Chapter 3 is already in the works which will provide more direct information for those seeking to advance their personal privacy discipline in the area of personal computing.

Thanks for sticking with this.